Green Energy Strategy
Saving the planet starts now
It all begins with taking action. Regardless of your background, heritage or gender - everyone has a role to play. Together, we can take the right actions today, in order to make the difference for tomorrow. At NXGEN Solar, it’s part of our Social and Corporate Responsibility (CSR) to fight to save our future; by adapting new strategies, by learning new techniques, and by implementing all possible measures.
Given the exponential rise in energy demand, and the exponential costs, it’s imperative that we are informed about energy generation and energy efficiency. The potential for gains in efficiency is huge - and with the use of our industry leading approaches, like sun mapping and voltage optimisation, NXGEN Solar’s knowledgeable team is well equipped to harness this potential.
In Real Terms
Actions Speak Louder Than Words.
There has never been a better time to try and enact change. NXGEN Solar has access to the technologies and solutions that serve to balance the complexities of supply, and ever increasing demand. Assisted by these modern technologies, we can now engage with our customers on a deeper level. NXGEN Solar has created a customer journey that informs end users about the best ways to utilise their products, so we can ensure maximum energy efficiency without penalties to the environment.
In a domestic setting, in addition to reducing your grid consumption with smart renewable energy systems, you can further optimise your energy consumption by spreading out the use of appliances throughout the day. However, we acknowledge that simply adding renewable energy solutions to a given property won’t solve the climate crisis on its own. This is where NXGEN Solar’s scope 1, 2 and 3 Carbon emission strategies come in.
Scope 1, 2 & 3 Emissions
Scope 1 Emissions
Emissions directly related to operations.
At NXGEN Solar, we promote cycling and walking as part of our employees commute. To assist with this, we have an employee cycle purchase scheme in place.
We run a recycle/up-cycle club - where items are swapped, given or requested by club members.
Where possible, we also actively encourage our staff to use hybrid and EV vehicles.
Scope 2 Emissions
Emissions indirectly related to operations.
To lessen our impact on the national grid, we are installing solar solutions at our office spaces in Eurocentral, London & Ipswich, and choosing to use local suppliers to our village.
Where possible, NXGEN Solar invests in energy efficient appliances. From laptops and printers and even to our kettle, we look for good energy ratings and try to make sure that any electrical item we buy is repairable.
No detail is too small - we use energy efficient lightbulbs in all our workspaces & warehouses. It’s one of the simplest ways of saving energy.
Scope 3 Emissions
Emissions created by third parties.
At NXGEN we work with suppliers that have a certified environmental management system, such as ISO14001, where possible.
We have rigorous supplier checking procedures, ensuring they support appropriate policies and practices.
We regularly carry out product reviews to ensure the products we provide are the most sustainable in the industry at the time they are installed.
Wherever possible, NXGEN Solar source goods and services locally, to minimise emissions as part of logistics.
NXGEN Solar’s Bigger Picture Values
Our ethos at Nxgen energy is to live birghter, greener lives. This is why we’re passionate about promoting clean green energy.
Protecting Ecosystems
We organise plastic collection days where a group of us get together with our customers and pick a location to go and collect plastic (or any litter really). We organise learning events on specific topics such as climate change, including online client forums and webinars.
Preserving Biodiversity
We respect natural habitats. Our systems are always designed to limit disruption to local fauna such as with the use of bespoke ground mount systems and solutions. We have an on-going connection with More Trees for tree planting. As we grow, we are pledging our time and commitment to proactive charity initiatives that actively work to protect wildlife, such as Bees and Hedgehogs. We run employee incentives for eating seasonal produce. There is a series of educational eco-seminars for employees for example ‘grow your own produce’.